Brexit? Opportunities!

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It is safe to assume that at this moment, in every market segment, British companies are ensuring their future presence in the EU. And although there still are many uncertainties, the competitive advantage to leap forward at this moment in time is considerable, compared to a wait and see strategy. Which choice do you make?


The United Kingdom (UK) left the European Union (EU) on 31 January 2020, that’s a fact. There is now a transitional period until 31 December 2020. From 1 January 2021, there will be changes in doing business between the UK and the EU, whether or not an agreement will be reached on the new relationship between the UK and the EU.

The current situation with all its uncertainties can be perceived as a threat, and it can make you gloomy, but at the same time, it offers opportunities for entrepreneurial spirits. Both for UK companies already doing business with the EU and for UK companies not yet doing so.


We see quite a few UK companies opening a branch in continental Europe from a defensive point of view. Setting up or maintaining a legal entity to keep a foothold in the EU market, but at the same time being very cautious in their go-to-market. That is unfortunate. The EU represents 446 million potential customers. Just being there does not ensure that you can or will continue to do business with them. Just being there doesn’t mean that your competitor is not moving forward.

Right now is a perfect moment to carry your business to the EU or to expand your already existing activities. European countries offer many facilities for UK companies to enter their markets. These temporary measures specifically aim at attracting British entrepreneurs and talent. Especially for professional and business services, there are plenty of easily accessible opportunities. In this way, these companies also retain access to the Digital Single Market (DSM).


The Netherlands is a very attractive gateway to that internal EU market. It has a stable economy that is attractive to foreign entrepreneurs who want to benefit from the country’s highly educated, English speaking, hardworking and creative workforce. A well designed, robust institutional framework ensures regulatory certainty. It is virtually next door to the UK, making it an incredibly easy trading location for the rest of Europe. On the trade side, the Netherlands is the sixth-largest economy in de EU, and it has a strong interdependence with other EU countries and beyond. Infrastructure, both digital and physical, is among the best in de world. And the United Nations World Happiness Report 2019 ranks the Netherlands as the fifth happiest country in the world.

In short, a great location to do business. You even don’t have to set up a fully equipped office, including a matching cost structure, to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the EU market. If you are ready to benefit from the opportunities Brexit offers, we are more than happy to set up an online meeting to discuss the possibilities with you. Just give us a call or drop us an email.

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