Consortium Branch Unlimited selected as EIC Partner

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A consortium led by Branch Unlimited was selected as EIC Partner. This was announced by EISMEA, the European Commission’s organisation responsible for developing and managing the work of the European Innovation Council. Apart from Branch Unlimited, the DISC Consortium* consists of Gemeas Patents, NAALA, VanOlde Tax Lawyers and WeCity. The partnership means that the consortium will support EIC Beneficiary startups and scale-ups in the areas of Sustainability and Health, with knowledge and guidance that are indispensable when scaling up to the Dutch market. The support will be in the form of webinars and targeted programmes for EIC Beneficiaries, but also via one-on-one coaching.

Heerd Jan Hoogeveen (Branch Unlimited): “Our mission is to increase the speed that is needed to scale up valuable solutions in the areas of Health and Sustainability. This means that we have a natural commitment to the goals of the EIC and to the success of the EIC Beneficiary organisations. The composition of our consortium ensures that the EIC Beneficiaries can benefit from specialist knowledge where they need it. We are looking forward to working with them and with EISMEA.”



* DISC: Dutch International Scale Consortium

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